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Advanced Vehicle Simulator Advisor 2.0

Advanced Vehicle Simulator

Abstract The National Renewable Energy Laboratory has recently publicly released its second-generation advanced vehicle simulator called ADVISOR 2.0. This software program was initially developed four years ago, and after several years of in-house usage and evolution, this powerful tool is now available to the public through a new vehicle systems analysis World Wide Web page. ADVISOR has been applied to many different systems analysis problems, such as helping to develop the SAE J1711 test procedure for hybrid vehicles and helping to evaluate new technologies as part of the Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles (PNGV) technology selection process. The model has been and will continue to be benchmarked and validated with other models and with real vehicle test data.

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After two months of being available on the Web, more than 100 users have downloaded ADVISOR. ADVISOR 2.0 has many new features, including an easy-to-use graphical user interface, a detailed exhaust aftertreatment thermal model, and complete browser-based documentation. Future work will include adding to the library of components available in ADVISOR, including optimization functionality, and linking with a more detailed fuel cell model.

ADVISOR Documentation. ADVANCED VEHICLE SIMULATOR. National Renewable Energy Laboratory. 2.0 Using ADVISOR. 2.1 Using the GUI (demo). Full-text (PDF) The National Renewable Energy Laboratory has recently publicly released its second-generation advanced vehicle simulator called ADVISOR 2.0. ADVISOR Documentation. ADVANCED VEHICLE SIMULATOR. National Renewable Energy Laboratory. 2.0 Using ADVISOR. 2.1 Using the GUI (demo). Sql Hacking Step By Step.

Getdataback For Ntfs 4.21 Serial Download on this page. • • • EPA’s ALPHA tool is a full vehicle simulation tool which estimates the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from light-duty vehicle sources. It is a physics-based, forward-looking, full vehicle simulator, capable of simulating various vehicle types and powertrain technologies. Version 2.0 of the ALPHA model has been updated from the previous version to include more realistic vehicle behavior and now includes internal auditing of all energy flows in the model.

ALPHA is being used by EPA to inform the Midterm Evaluation (MTE) of Light-duty Vehicle Standards for Model Years 2022-2025. The MTE will be conducted through a collaborative, data-driven, and transparent process. The documentation of ALPHA on this page is part of EPA’s commitment to transparency in the MTE process.

ALPHA is an in-house vehicle simulation tool used by EPA, and is not intended to be a commercial product. The ALPHA model shares an underlying structure with EPA's Greenhouse Gas Emissions Model (GEM) used for medium- and heavy-duty vehicle compliance calculations. ALPHA is under active development and the versions of the model presented below represent the state of the package at particular points in time.

ALPHA v2.2 Technology Walk Samples In response to stakeholder comments on the MTE Proposed Determination, EPA utilized a version of ALPHA capable of executing this sample technology walk analysis to further corroborate EPA’s assessment that vehicles equipped with conventional technologies can support compliance with the MY2025 targets without the need for extensive electrification. These ALPHA runs are referenced in the Response to Comments for the Final Determination on the Appropriateness of the Model Year 2022-2025 Light-duty Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards under the Midterm Evaluation. (31 MB, January 2017) This file contains a series of ALPHA V2.2 simulations (as of 2017.01.12) used to support a sample technology walk analysis as part of the Final Determination Response to Comments. Running this version of ALPHA requires Matlab/Simulink with StateFlow 2016b. For convenience, a plaintext form of the workspace for each ALPHA run is provided in an m-file format. Further details are in the readme.txt file.

ALPHA v2.1 Calibration Samples EPA is using ALPHA simulation results to inform its on-going calibration of the Lumped Parameter Model (LPM), an EPA desktop computer application that estimates the effectiveness (CO2Reduction) of various technology combinations. A subset of the numerous ALPHA simulation results being studied during the MTE process were identified as key simulations used to inform the calibration of the LPM. (30 MB, November 2016) This file contains a series of ALPHA V2.1 simulations (as of 2016.11.18) used to inform the calibration of the Lumped Parameter Model.

Running this version of ALPHA requires Matlab/Simulink with StateFlow 2016b. For convenience, a plaintext form of the workspace for each ALPHA run is provided in an m-file format. Further details are in the readme.txt file. ALPHA v2.0 Simulation Samples.